Ferkeap en tsjinst


Pump and control equipment, fan, motor, generator, air compressor and spare parts manufacturing, sales.

Water pumps, complete water supply equipment, air compressors; the parts and components of the aforementioned products, nearly 20 series, more than 2000 specifications and models meet the requirements of agricultural and forestry irrigation, domestic water intake, high-efficiency oxygenation of aquaculture, municipal engineering of water pumping station, building water supply, sewage/clean water treatment, HVAC, metallurgy, minerals, refrigeration, industrial water, decoration, tools. For more information on general and customized services based on the above products, please refer to the product and service module of this website.

Ferkeap en tsjinst

Marketing netwurk

Eksportearje nei mear dan 100 lannen / regio's wrâldwiid, Hast 10.000 ynlânske ferkeappunten yn binnenlânsk. Shimge pomp hawwe it rjocht fan sels-ymport en eksport. SHIMGE-produkten wurde eksportearre nei mear as 100 lannen en regio's yn East-Jeropa, West-Jeropa, Midden-Easten, Súdeast-Aazje, Amearika, Afrika ensafuorthinne. Oant no ta hat Shimge 305 stabile bûtenlânske distributeurs. Allinnich yn 2016 binne 93 merkklanten tafoege en ferspraat yn alle hoeken fan 'e wrâld. Shimge flaggeskipwinkels en franchisewinkels oerseeske merk binne booming.

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